Thursday, November 28, 2019

20 Essay Topics on Microeconomics

20 Essay Topics on Microeconomics Understanding Microeconomics is almost as daunting as composing an argumentative essay on it. But it becomes close to effortless to compose one if you have an opportunity to choose from a coherent list of options   which is what this guide is all about. In this second guide, we have not only included 20 microeconomics essay topics, but also a sample essay that’ll allow you to understand how an argumentative essay should be structured. But before you head on, we strongly recommend you to check out our first guide, 10 facts for an argumentative essay on microeconomics, where we have shared some credible facts on the subject. These ideas will definitely help you to compose your argumentative essay as you’ll be using them as information and references. Furthermore, after you are done reading this guide, we recommend you to read our final guide before you start writing. Our third/final guide, writing on point argumentative essay on microeconomics, is all about the methodologies and techniques of how an argumentative essay is outlined, structured and composed. By reading all of the guides, before you start writing, you’ll yield a beautifully sublime argumentative paper, which   your professor, instructor or teacher will admire. We are ready to present you our choice of Microeconomics topics: The Impact of Supply and Demand on Prices How Does Economy Change With the Change of Seasons An Argumentative Essay on the Microeconomic Market Structures How Do Different Microeconomic Market Structures Affect Supply? The Impact of Labor Market and the Labor Union on Supply and Demand. How Does Consumer Purchasing Ability Affect Pricing System? The Use of Advertising in Microeconomics and How it Affects Customer’s Decisions The Benefits of Creativity and its Significance to Lead a Company to Success The Advertising Problems Leading to a Company’s Demise. What are the Pros and Cons of Starting a Company in the Modern Market? An Argumentative Essay on Privatized Health Care Centers – The Pros and Cons Does the Cost of Health Care Affect Taxes? The Economic Struggle for Maximal Use of Natural Resources and its Reasons Why Nature is the Biggest Victim of Industrialization and How it Affects Economics Natural, and Industrial and Household Interactive Conditions Required for a Practical Implementation of the Microeconomic Model The Influence of Ecological Costs on the Principles of Industry Location How â€Å"Dirty† Industries Gain Profit by Moving into a â€Å"Clean† Area or Location. The Modern Ecological Problems that U.S. and Europe Are Facing with Planned Economies Today. The Microeconomic Problems and Their Correlation with Pollution. The Impact of a Local Industry on the Society and the Environment Finally, now you have 20 relevant microeconomic topics from which you can choose whichever suits you best. We have composed   these topics to be complementary to your essay by making sure that their tone is argumentative. Furthermore, we have included the references from where we have chosen these topics. Not only that, we have also written a sample essay on one of the topics above, so you can have a deeper understanding of how an argumentative essay should be constructed. A Sample Essay on the Microeconomic Problems and its Correlation with Pollution Between 1970 and 2012 the U.S. economy has doubled, but this profit led to some troublesome issues, and pollution was one of them. Although the United States came up with   several anti-pollution policies, which resulted in 12% reduction (approx. 730 metric tons of air pollutants a year from 2007 to 2012) of carbon dioxide emissions, pollution remains a major problem. But still, other problematic environmental issues are left untouched. Before we head on further, we should know how microeconomics considers pollution in its terms, which is why we have to know what an externality is. In economic terms, there are two types of an externality: positive externality and negative externality. Externality basically is the effect that affects third-party individuals who are not a part of the action. For example, if you live in a neighborhood, where, most of the time, country music concerts are held; and you don’t even   take part in them,   but still hear the music (due to its loudness) – you are considered to be an externality. Based on your preference, this externality can be positive (if you like country music) and negative (if you don’t like it or if it disturbs your sleep). Pollution is considered to be a negative externality because it doesn’t have any positive effect on humans, animals or the planet in general. On the other hand, it has a substantial   negative impact. Today, the production of demanded products has led to the inevitable production of pollution, and it was   passed on society. The contamination can be suppressed if the production is lowered, but in the current consumer-oriented economy it’s not gonna happen. . Economists have theorized that the cost of production should include the cost of pollution, which is: the impact of pollution on human health, property values, recreation possibilities, wildlife habitats, etc. Let’s consider the following example: If a firm produces a refrigerator, which costs about $600 per production (including all the expenses), and it costs about $100 more to produce the product without causing pollution, the quantity of the production would significantly decrease   as the prices would be high i.e. $700 per product. Now, if an individual has to compare a $600 refrigerator to a $700 one that has the same specs, but it’s only about minimizing the pollution – chances are, that particular individual would go for the cheaper one. So the reality is that this negative externality exists in economics. To reduce or completely exterminate the production of pollution, all of the microeconomic firms have to take an anti-pollution step, which would equalize the costs of the production, globally. It will   lead to a better, and healthier environment. That’s it! Now you have almost exhaustive list of topics, along with a sample essay that can help you start writing immediately. References: David Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam, (2011) â€Å"Microeconomics, 4th Edition† – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,_Ronald_Braeutigam,_Ronald_R._Braeu.pdf Libby Rittenberg, Timothy Tregarthen, Untitled Document – Hugh Gravelle, Ray Rees (2004) â€Å"Microeconomics, 3rd Edition† – Pearson Education Limited. Gilpin, Alan. (2000). Environmental Economics: A Critical Overview. Chichester, UK: John Wiley Sons. Pearson, Charles S. (2000). Economics and the Global Environment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Baumol, W. J., Blinder, A. S. (2015). Microeconomics: Principles and policy. Cengage Learning. Bowles, S. (2009). Microeconomics: behavior, institutions, and evolution. Princeton University Press.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Social media

Social media Throughout the world, more and more people are using the Internet and have registered accounts on social networks, for example Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Social network is an incredibly powerful tool. At the click of mouse, one can get entertainment, information, news or data about almost anything in the world. Besides that, we can connect to anyone in the world via social networks across the world instantly. The distance of thousands of miles does not matter. This is amazing. It is very useful especially for parents with children studying abroad as they can save the cost of long distance calls. However, we are facing some issues when using social media.From my experience, the most common issue that people might face when using social media is privacy issue. People may get all sorts of confidential information from us via the social networks. They can track information about us and perhaps use the information to cheat us.English: CrazyFriendz is the free onli ne social ne...Many of the struggles and strengths faced by young people as digital natives are caused by a lack of awareness, communication and sometimes a lack of outside influences such as parents or caregivers.Undoubtedly the Internet has vast positive benefits and influences in widening the knowledge of young people, as it keeps young people who are computer literate informed with everything in their lives and the lives of others by the simple click of the mouse. The Internet and social networking opens young people up to a world of information at their fingertips faster and easier than ever before; with access to the likes of online libraries and databases increasing education (Morimoto, Friedland, 2011). Studies show that the primary use of the internet is communication, as increasingly young people are using the internet and particularly social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with people...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ww1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ww1 - Essay Example The consequence of WWI, besides millions of dead soldiers, was the imbalanced provisions of the Versailles Treaty which humiliated the German people and wrecked its economy setting the stage for WWII. All wars have complicated explanations and grave consequences maybe none more so than WWI. It has been often said if you want to know the source of a person or country’s interest, follow the money trail. Both private and public U.S. financial concerns were involved in the war long before troops were sent â€Å"over there.† Money from famous banker and entrepreneur J.P. Morgan and the U.S. Treasury flowed to many European nations to help finance their war efforts. Many have said the war would have been over three years earlier without the financial aid provided by U.S. sources. Prior to 1914, the year the war began, the U.S was in the midst of a recession but from 1914 to 1918, the economy was significantly boosted due to the weapons and other supplies purchased from the U.S. by several countries engaged in the war. Unemployment, at 7.9 percent in 1914 decreased to 1.4 percent by 1918. (Lozada, 2012) German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann sent a coded telegram to the German ambassador to Mexico in early 1917 telling him to form an alliance with the Mexican government. Germany knew that U.S. involvement in the war was immanent and it surely would be beaten if hundreds of thousands of fresh American troops along with more weapons and equipment landed on European shores. To prevent this, Germany wanted to enlist Mexico to keep America busy fighting a war in its own country. â€Å"If Mexico waged war against the United States, thereby distracting Americans from the conflict in Europe, Germany would lend support and help Mexico reclaim Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.† (Gambino, 2012). Great Britain’s Naval Intelligence intercepted and broke the coded message then shared this important information with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who, in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The trouble with Lichen. novel by John Wyndham and Short circuit movie Literature review

The trouble with Lichen. novel by John Wyndham and Short circuit movie - Literature review Example â€Å"The trouble with Lichen.† by John Wyndham. The plot of the novel takes the reader from the lab where the doctor, Saxover Francis, with his assistant, Brackley Diana extract the drug from the Lichen to the time when she has to make a run for her life when the secret about the drug leaks into society and her life is threatened. She eventually fakes her own death in order to avoid the death. Ironically, her product is actually supposed to avert death- at least for three hundred years. The movie is about a company that develops a set of five robots. The robots were originally intended to carry out some mundane activities like playing of musical instruments and others. They are named number one through to number five. After Newton Graham has finished developing the robots, he goes to demonstrate them to the other company at the grounds. His demonstration is however abruptly interrupted by a storm. It was while he was still evacuating the robots that one of them was struck by electric current. The electric current causes a â€Å"short circuit† and ultimately changes the instruction codes in the robot. This, as we later find out, gives the robot life. The two pieces are both science fictions that are somewhat related. They both predict on future innovations that actually took place many years down the line. Even though man has not yet found a solution to ageing that would make him attain the age of here hundred years, there are at least some drugs that are being used to control ageing to a significant degree. Consequently, the prediction made in short circuit have also come to see the light of day. There are much technological advancement in the ICT field that can be comparable to the ideas propagated in short circuit. The main reason why I chose this novel and this movie is the fact that they made some interesting predictions about the innovations in the future and the innovations eventually came to be. The other reason is the fact that they both took a realistic approach as far as how society responds to new inventions is concerned. The Trouble with Lichen This is a novel about a young lady who is working as a biochemist and wh o in the course of her day to day duties, stumbles upon a certain strain of Lichen that can actually be used to reverse the aging process in humans. It is from this Lichen that the novel draws its title, â€Å"trouble with lichen.† Supposedly, this strain of lichen can be used to lengthen the lifespan of an average human being to anything from two hundred up to three hundred years. The author of the novel approaches the issue by speculating on how the wider society would deal with such a discovery. There are two main characters in the plot of the book. The first is Brackley Diana and the second one is Saxover Francis. Both are biochemists who are involved in research. Saxover is a doctor and Diana is his employee. They are doing independent experiments to investigate the characteristics of certain strains of Lichen. Diana stumbles on a life transforming discovery when she notices that a certain strain of the lichen prevents milk from turning sour. The strain of Lichen that sh e discovered was rare and it actually originates form East Asia. She works tireless with the help of Francis Saxover and two eventually manage to extract a new drug from the Lichen. They call this new drug antigerone. Antigerone can be used to slow down ageing in the human body. Francis decides to secretly use the medicine on his family members and on himself to prevent their ageing. On the other hand, Diana sets up a spa and cosmetic business and starts using the product on a number of rich and

Monday, November 18, 2019

How to Sustain Customer Loyalty towards Brands Essay

How to Sustain Customer Loyalty towards Brands - Essay Example The researcher states that brand loyalty is the final objective a company sets for a branded merchandise. The importance of brand loyalty cannot be underestimated due to the fact that as brand loyalty increases, the vulnerability to the competitive actions is reduced which is very important in the cut-throat competitive era of today. The customer’s adherence to a particular brand increases the market value of the brand and helps the organization to have a competitive edge over the rivals. The brand loyalty also provides confidence among the organizations to launch a new product and to get involved in new ventures as they feel that the loyal customers will definitely go for the new products. This also helps the organization with the process of the expansion. Brand loyalty is basically a consumer’s preference and priority to opt for a particular brand in a product category. The reason behind this preference can be the perception of provision of the right product features and high level of quality at the right price. Additionally the brand loyalty can also have its basis in the emotional attachment of the user with the brand. The preference can be built upon an association with the brand symbol. Aaker defined Brand loyalty as â€Å"the attachment that a customer has to a brand†. It can also be seen as consumer’s preference to purchase a particular brand in a product class and this could be as a result of the consumer awareness about that particular brand. The strong name of a firm, the good image of the product and corporate reputation are the factors which builds loyalty/commitment, which helps the consumer to value a product of a particular company and put it above the others (Souiden et al. 2006). â€Å"A deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts havin g potential to cause switching behavior† (Oliver,1997 referred in Ozer, et. al. 2005, p.90). The brand loyalty of existing customer represent a strategic asset to the organization, that, if properly managed and exploited, has the potential to provide value in several ways. It works to reduce the marketing costs of doing business. It is simple and much less costly to keep hold of customers than to get new ones. Brand loyalty even generates trade leverage. At the extreme, brand loyalty may dominate store choice decisions. Additionally various studies

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’

Analysis of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’ Extraction of Biochemical Compounds in ‘gynura Procumbens’ Using 3 Mixture Design and Gcms Name : Syazliana Syamira Binti Hashim NOVEMBER 2014 Gynura procumbens or known locally in Malaysia as ‘Sambung Nyawa’ or in chinese, it is called ‘Nan Hui Ye’ is a plant that was found in South East Asia usually inThailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.This plant belongs to the Asteraceae Family.It is a famous traditional herb in South East Asia for the treatment of diabetic, high cholesterol level, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney discomfort and inflammation.The present study aims to study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes and to study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in this plant leaves by using the three mixture design and analysis by CGMS technique. In a mixture experiment, the independent factors are proportions of different components of a blend. The fact that the properties of the different factors must sum to 100% complicates the design as well as the analysis of mixture experiments.In this work,a mixture design will be applied to optimize solvent mixtures for selective extraction of biochemical compounds from Gynura procumbens leaves.Pressurized solvent extractions(PSE) will be performed at 313K and 20MPa,using homogeneous,ethanol(EtOH) and O solvent mixtures.The operating conditions to extract biochemical compounds from Gynura procumbens leaves will be optimized.The ranges of extraction temperatures and pressures are 25 60 and 8 – 25MPa, respectively.GC coupled with MS detection will be used to characterize the extracts. Introduction The modern lifestyle has become a major threat to the health of people around the world.There are many cases that involve arteriosclerosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus and cancers and these diseases remind us about our unhealthy lifestyles and thus give rise in circulatory system diseases such as hypertension, pre-hypertension and heart disease in developed countries (Johnson and Turner, 2005; Kearney et al., 2005). From the previous time,plants have often been used to cure human diseases (Stepp and Moerman,2001; Yesilada, 2005).Today,with the arising threat of intractable diseases,a research is to focus on the finding bioactive molecules from plants(Amos et al.,2003; Fatehi et al.,2005).The one such plant is ‘Sambung Nyawa’ or its scientific name is Gynura procumbens is a member of the Asteraceae family(Wiart,2002). Gynura procumbens is commonly used as a traditional medicinal plant in Malaysia to treat many diseases. Recently, the use of herbal medicines for complementary treatments of some diseases has been popular and researchers have shown that these herbs are commonly used by cancer patients to manage their diseases (Riboli and Norat, 2003; Van Duijnhoven et al., 2009). Pharmacologic studies also have proved that Gynura procumbens possesses anti-herpes simplex virus, (Nawawi et al.,1999), anti-ulcerogenic activities (Mahmood et al., 2010) anti-inflammatory (Iskander et al.,2002), and anticancer properties(Agustina et al.,2006). Problem Statement : Gynura procumbens had been given attention in the pharmacology of antidiabetic medicinal plants probably because of its solid evidences and efficiency in the traditional management of diabetes mellitus.But in contrast,the scientific reports on the antidiabetic activity of this plant had their own conflicts and inconsistent.For example,Zhang and Tan had reported that 95% ethanol extract improved glucose tolerance in STZ-induced diabetic rats, but not in normal rats(Zhang and Tan).These authors also reported that its aqueous extract to exert significant anti hyperglycemic action in STZ-induced diabetic rats.But after that,Akowuah et al., on the contrary indicated its glucose lowering effect in normal rats(Akowuah et al.,2001).In the most recent study, the extract of Gynura procumbens was reported to generate significant elevation in the fasting blood glucose(FBG) levels of normal rats but a decrease in diabetic rats(Hassan et al.,2010). Eventhough Gynura procumbens is useful in the treatment of many ailments,however there is a little toxicological information that is available regarding to the safety due to the repeated exposure.Thus,a study need to be conducted to improve these reports and give more useful informations about its widespread uses.Therefore,the present research is to study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes and also to study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in Gynura procumbens leaves. Objectives : To study the antidiabetic activity of Gynura procumbens leaves to manage diabetes. To study the potential toxicity for many of the biochemical compounds in Gynura procumbens leaves. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 General Overview of Gynura procumbens Gynura procumbens that is well-known in South East Asia has traditionally been used to cure rash, eruptive fevers, kidney disease, constipation, migraines, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cancer(Perry,1980).Recently, pharmacological studies have state that this plant has anti-hyperglycaemic(Akowuah et al.,2001; Akowuah et al.,2002),anti-hyperlipidaemic(Zhang and Tan,2000),anti-inflammatory(Iskander et al.,2002) and blood hypertension reduction capabilities(Lam et al.,1998; Kim et al.,2006). The advantages of the traditional use of Gynura procumbens leaves have been supported the isolation and identification of several possible active chemical constituents from this herb, including flavonoids, tannins, saponins and terpenoids(Akowuah et al.,2002).Gynura procumbens is usually used as a traditional medicinal plant in Malaysia to cure many ailments. It is an annual ever- green shrub with a fleshy stem and purple tint.In Malaysia,this plant is called as ‘Sambung nyawa’, and it is commonly used in South-East Asia,especially in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. In spite of the various uses over long time periods, little toxicological information is available regarding safety following repeated exposure to Gynura procumbens. Currently, Malaysian authorities are paying more attention to the safety and potential toxicity of botanicals, including medical plants and edible materials. Therefore,the objective of the present study was to provide scientific data on the safety of Gynura procumbens, that focus on the acute and 90days (13weeks) sub-chronic toxicity of a methanol extract that was orally administered to Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Gynura procumbens has recently received particular attention in the pharmacology of antidiabetic medicinal plants,probably because of its admitted empirical evidence and efficiency in the traditional management of diabetes mellitus.Besides that, these study designs are not targeted at natural product discovery or production of standardized herbal forms. Satisfactory research on medicinal plants beyond screening for biological activity should be conducted with the objective to systematically standardize and possess them into natural products or dosage forms which should effectively complement or supplement existing conventional measures(Ali et al.,2012). 2.2 Current Research of Gynura procumbens There is currently a good deal of research interest to utilize plant compounds against human diseases, that includes hypertension. The present study investigated the effects of different extracts and fractions from leaves of Gynura procumbens on rat atrial contraction in vitro. Isolated left and right atria were mounted in a 20-ml organ bath and they were allowed to equilibrate for 15 minutes before the application of the extracts or fractions. The extracts ( methanol extract (ME) and petroleum-ether extract (PE) ) and the fractions (chloroform fraction(CHL), ethyl-acetate fraction (EA), n-butanol fraction (NB) and water fraction (WA) of the methanol extract) were tested at three concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml), with a b-adrenergic agonist (isoprenaline) as a control. All the data on the contraction responses were log-transformed and had been analyzed. When exposed to the different extracts, both atria tended to exhibit greater contractive responses with the NB whereas cardiac contractions had a tendency to be reduced with most other extracts. For a given extract, the contraction responses were particularly greater at 0.5 mg/ml for the right atrium and at 1 mg/ml for the left atrium. For the further analysis is to focus on the NB fraction revealed that positive inotropism was greater in left atria exposed to highly-concentrated F2 and F3 sub-fractions. Taken together,the results suggest that NB extracts and fractions from the Gynura procumbens-leaf methanol extract have positive inotropic activities and, hence, can be considered as an alternative or traditional medicine against increased blood pressure in humans or can be used in strategies aimed at finding antihypertensive biomolecules from an accessible source. In each of these studies, the approach was not bioassay directed, an approach basis to the discovery of novel natural products from their natural sources and or to increase their standardization preparation to formulate into dosage forms for human usage after clinical trials. In summary, there is little analysis on the importance of the different extracts and fractions of Gynura procumbens on heart tissues. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of Gynura procumbens leaves extracts and fractions of the active extract on the contraction of left and right atria (LA and RA, respectively) isolated from Sprague Dawley (SD) rats with the aim of exploring the possibilities of its standardization or industrial scaling up for natural products against hypertension. 2.3 Functions of Gynura procumbens In South-East Asia, this plant is widely distributed and has often been used to treat diseases. In Indonesia, leaves of the Compositae family are routinely used for treatment in kidney diseases, eruptive fevers, rash, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia(Perry,1980). In Thailand, where this plant is empirically used against topical inflammation, rheumatism, and viral ailments, Iskander and colleagues have reported the anti-inflammatory actions of its extracts(Iskander et al.,2002). Recently, pharmacological investigations in Singapore have shown that extracts of Gynura procumbens reduced serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats(Zhang and Tan,2000). In Malaysia, evidence exists that Gynura procumbens has antidiabetic properties(Akowuah et al.,2001; Bohari et al.,2006). In this country, the currency of hypertension is high, but the levels of awareness, control, and treatment are still low(Rampal et al.,2008).This species has been used as a traditional medicine to treat inflammation, cancer, rheumatism, and viral infections. Among the various ethnobotanical practices of this plant, the application as a poultice for diverse skin diseases was found to be a universal usage in many countries (Perry, 1980). The leaves of this plant are not toxic(Rosidah et al., 2009). Gynura procumbensfrom Asteraceae family has been used as a traditional remedy for various skin diseases in certain areas of Southeast Asia(Junoh et al.,2011). 2.4 Related Diseases There were many attempts to control increased blood pressure that have been used as strategies to control arterial hypertension(Collins et al.,1990; Lang et al.,2001). Eventhough the treatment of arterial hypertension has been shown to be quite efficacious in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity (Collins et al.,1990), hypertension control at the population level has been generally considered as not enough yet. In the United Kingdom, for instance, 94% of hypertensive patients still have their blood pressure higher than the normal(Colhoun et al.,1998), whereas in the United States, there is only 27% had a normal blood pressure following treatment(Burt et al.,1995). This intractability of hypertension has not changed, and recently there is a noticeable increase in hypertension cases(Kearney et al.,2004); about 26% of adults worldwide in 972 million are known to have hypertension(Kearney et al.,2005). Current optimism based on pharmacological therapy, which consists of developing drug formulations, is severely impeded by drug interactions, dose dependence, and adverse effects such as the possibility of depression. All in all,it is clear that the development of alternative strategies complementary to existing control methods is needed. 2.5 Acute and Sub-chronic Toxicity The Gynura procumbens methanol extract was suspended in 1% (w/v) carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC) and it was administered orally (1250, 2500, and 5000 mg/kg) in single doses to both female and males rats (n = 10; 5 males and 5 females). The rats need to fast overnight due to dosing. The general behaviour of the rat was continuously monitored for 1 hour after dosing, periodically during the first 24 hour (with special attention given during the first 4 hour), and daily thereafter for a total of 14 days. All animals were humanely killed by inhalation after 14 days.The selected vital organs were excised, weighed, and macroscopically examined(Ghosh,1984). Healthy rats of both sexes were randomly assigned to control and treatment groups (n = 10; 5 males and 5 females). The Gynura procumbens methanol extract was suspended in 1% CMC and administered orally on a daily basis for 90 days (13 weeks) at doses of 125, 250, or 500mg/kg. Based on the report by Suharmiati (2003), traditional healers typically prescribe seven leaves each day for an adult, which is equivalent to a 125 mg/day dose. Therefore, doses ranging from of 125–500mg/(kg day) were selected as the tested doses. All rats were anesthetized under inhalation at the end of 13 weeks. Blood samples were collected via cardiac puncture into non-heparinized and EDTA containing tubes for biochemical and haematological analyses, respectively (Winarto, 2003; Petterino and Argentino-Storino, 2006). After cardiac puncture, the rats were killed by clavicle dislocation.Those vital organs were excised, weighed, and macroscopically examined and then they were fixed in 10% formalin for hi stopathological study. 2.6 Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes causes oxidative stress through the autooxidation of glucose, protein glycation and lipid peroxidation; and as a consequence, structural and functional alterations occur in the lungs of diabetics, as well as other organs like the heart, brain, eyes and kidneys. There is growing, well-established evidence regarding such changes in diabetic lungs(Gulay et al.,2014). Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, contributing not only to the development, but also to the progression of diabetes and its related complications. The immunosuppressive and antioxidant effects of resveratrol in attenuating the increased oxidative stress due to responses of ÃŽ ²-cells to leukocyte activation have been implicated in the prevention of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Resveratrol affords advantageous effects by decreasing the oxidative injury and the recruitment of the nutritive precapillary arterioles in the context of disease states associated with insulin re sistance, such as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Globally, more than 366 million individuals currently live with diabetes mellitus, with this figure expected to rise to 552 million by 2030 (Whiting et al., 2011). The World Health Organization estimates that around 1.1 million deaths occur per year as a result of the disease (World Health Organization, 2011). There are around 2.9 million individuals in England currently have diagnosed with diabetes, a currency of 4.5% (NHS The Information Centre, 2011). Projections for England estimate that by 2030 over 4.5 million people will be living with diabetes (APHO, 2011). The number of individuals that are living with diabetes means that if there was found to be an excess in mortality caused by the disease, this could result in a large number of premature deaths. The relation between diabetes and increased all-cause death, particularly from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and renal disease, is well recognized. C There is a limited amount of evidence relating to diabetes and respiratory disease mortality (Dawson et al., 2008;De Marco et al., 1999andMurugan and Sharma, 2008).Current evidence suggests a biological link between inflammation, reduced levels of adiponectin within the body and the development of diabetes and respiratory disease (Sevenoaks Stockley, 2006). De Marco et al. concluded that these may be caused by differences in the severity of diabetes or differing in national treatment cultures (De Marco et al., 1999). Therefore, research is required that further explores the relation between diabetes and mortality from cancer and respiratory disease. Current research indicates that, for mortality from a number of causes, it may be diabetes-related comorbidities that increase an individuals risk of death rather than the diabetes itself. ( Mohammadi et al., 2007) Morbidity and mortality of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is closely related to development of cardiovascular disease (Haffner et al.,1998). Although the manifestations and complications of diabetes mellitus have been extensively studied, the knowledge regarding the effects of diabetes on bone mineral metabolism is still limited and inconsistent. Since Albright and Reifenstein(Anwar et al.,2008)first reported the occurrence of osteoporosis in patients with poorly controlled diabetes in 1948, many authors have attempted to describe alterations of bone mineralization in diabetic subjects by using various techniques and biochemical markers(Asbun and Villareal,2006). The types of diabetes caused by other conditions or found in increased frequency with other conditions (imply an etiologie relationship) be considered a third subclass of diabetes mellitus that is the diabetes that associated with certain conditions and syndromes. This subclass has been divided according to the known or suspected etiologie relationships.The class gestational diabetes has been restricted to women in whom glucose intolerance develops or is discovered during pregnancy (National Diabetes Data Group,1979).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

high academic standards :: essays research papers

An Avenue to High Academic Standards   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In her article â€Å"An Avenue to High Academic Standards,† Lynn Olson argues that â€Å"A prominent misconception surrounding school-to-work is that it downplays intellectual achievement,† and that â€Å"school-to-work can encourage young people to pursue education and training beyond high school.† A school-to-work program enables a student to go to a regular school and attend classes just like any other regular high school student, but they are also required to attend additional training in a â€Å"real world† work environment. School-to-work programs are achievable and attractive to students whose schools are participating and Lynn Olson does a good job of arguing her point.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"High-quality school-to-work programs combine learning in school and in the workplace.† This makes sense, without efficient entrusted employers who are willing to participate in the school-to-work program, the support of the school would be undermined and the system would most likely fail. The school-to-work program enables students to get hands on experience within the workplace while at the same time giving them a reprieve from their textbooks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lynn Olson argues that there have been studies that suggest â€Å"school-to-work can help address one of the greatest problems in education: motivation.† This makes sense and I believe this to be a very accurate and significant argument. Without motivation students will find it very difficult to get things started and to complete their tasks. This not only happens with academics but in life general. Lynn Olson argues, â€Å"A majority of American teenagers in national surveys describe their education as â€Å"boring.† I can attest to that. Both in high school, and in college I have had to learn about subjects that I can careless about and because of this the motivation factor was extremely low. â€Å"Although they think it’s important to graduate, they don’t think that doing well in school matters.† I tend to agree with this. I believe that graduation is the key factor, and this is the reason why kids go to school. School-to-wor k programs can alleviate some of the boredom that studying out of textbooks can have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"School-to-work can help young people answer the question, â€Å"Why do I have to learn this?† Lynn Olson claims that research from various corporations, and research companies argue that â€Å"school-to-work activities can slash boredom and re-engage students in schooling.† Once again this makes sense. Give students the option to get out of the classroom and into the workforce as interns, gives them the opportunity to have a better understanding of the â€Å"real world† outside of the textbook and classroom environment.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hong Kong Waste Problem

Hong Kong has an imminent waste problem. Here you can learn about what municipal solid waste is, how significant our waste problem is, and how the Government tackles the problem. The Waste Problem Hong Kong generates several types of solid waste. It includes municipal solid waste (MSW), which comes from domestic, commercial and industrial sources; construction waste, which arises from construction, renovation and demolition activities; and other special wastes such as chemical waste and livestock waste. †¢ More on waste in Hong Konghttp://www. epd. gov. k/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/waste_maincontent. html Municipal Solid Waste Municipal solid waste includes waste from domestic premises and public facilities, commerce and some types of industry, but excludes construction waste and chemical waste. Each year, more than 6 million tonnes of MSW are generated, over half of which is disposed of in the three strategic landfills. Unfortunately, the generation of MSW has been growing at a much faster rate than expected, and our consumption-led lifestyle is putting enormous pressure on these landfills. The three existing landfills will be full, one by one, in the mid to late 2010s. If the waste loads continue to increase, there will be a need to allocate an additional 400 hectares of land to develop new landfill sites to meet our waste disposal needs up to 2030. Clearly, Hong Kong needs a more sustainable way to deal with waste. To address our waste problem, the Government published â€Å"A Policy Framework for the Management of MSW (2005-2014)† (Policy Framework) in December 2005. The Policy Framework sets out a comprehensive strategy for the management of MSW in the next 10 years. It consists of a series of policy tools and measures to tackle the waste problem head on. †¢ More on municipal solid wastehttp://www. gov. hk/en/residents/environment/msw. htm †¢ Information on the Policy Framework for the Management of Municipal Solid Waste (2005-2014)http://www. epd. gov. hk/epd/msw/htm_en/content. htm Construction Waste The high levels of construction activity in Hong Kong generate equally high levels of inert or recyclable waste and non-inert or organic waste. Both hese forms of waste pose challenges to the maintenance of our landfill programme, and need to be managed carefully. Under the polluter-pays principle, the Environmental Protection Department operates the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme, whereby construction waste producers pay appropriate charges for the disposal of their waste. The Government is also encouraging the industry to sort and recycle waste as far as possible, and to plan and build more efficiently to minimise waste. Mo re on construction wastehttp://www. gov. hk/en/residents/environment/constructionwaste. htm Waste Reduction and Recycling You can participate in a number of waste reduction programmes. The Wastewi$e Label under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence, for example, helps Hong Kong businesses and organisations in adopting measures to reduce the amount of waste generated within their establishments or through the products and services they provide. It provides members with free advice on waste management techniques and rewards their efforts through public recognition. You can also help the recycling of domestic waste by participating in the Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste and separating waste using the waste separation bins on housing estates and deposit rechargeable batteries in designated collection boxes. †¢ More on waste reduction and recyclinghttp://www. gov. hk/en/residents/environment/wasteredrecyc. htm

Friday, November 8, 2019

One-Upmanship essays

One-Upmanship essays In a society of one-upmanship it falls on us to create an environment which is conducive to harmonious and peaceful coexistence....a Herculean task, not a mean feat to be accomplished effortlessly. In a society where one needs to get noticed amongst a sea of people to be given some credibility for ones merits, one-upmanship is a constant phenomenon governing ones life. Be it the daily mundane cores, to achieve ones own personal end or any lifetime achievement in a larger perspective that of the country, the world or humanity. That then instills in every human being a sense of competition and where there is competition there follows at heels the spirit of ruthlessness, and needless to add in a ruthless atmosphere, there is no place for mutual sympathy or any compassion for the other and the atmosphere is far from harmonious one. Competition is the spirit of one-upmanship and it certainly is not a healthy trend, as many tend to put it, of stretching oneself to reach ones own maximum po tential. On the contrary it simply inculcates the negative feelings of always wanting to outdo the other and in that process end up humiliating the other person, which again, is a total negation of harmony. I guess we can debate for hours whether competition is a natural principle, or whether it is something that is a result of our surroundings and our conditioning. The world is in a bad shape. There are too many obsolete and incomplete paradigms and competition is one of them. We are told that competition is good for us. It is a powerful, deeply entrenched and old-fashioned principle. It is not a paradigm of mutual benefit, but rather of winning and losing. It is incomplete. Take a soccer match, for example. Can both teams win? Dig deep into your imaginations. If the principle were to be "stretch" rather than "competition", both teams could win. The game could always be a draw and each team would try to do better next time. They w...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Eating Disorders Essays - Eating Disorders, Health, Psychiatry

Eating Disorders Essays - Eating Disorders, Health, Psychiatry Eating Disorders Did you know that 90% of women dislike the way they look? And its all because of the media and their emphasis on the ideal figure of a woman. Supermodels like Kate Moss and other Barbie-doll-figure-inspired women grace the cover of magazines all over the world promoting a perfect shape. Girls of all ages think that this is what people want to see. They think that this is what they should look like and try to set impossible goals for themselves to look like covergirls. As a result, many women in North America suffer from psychological illnesses. Among the most common are eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia and Bulimia generally arise in young women, but may also occur in older females and occasionally in men. People suffering from any of these sicknesses usually suffer from low self esteem. Victims may think things such as, my life would be better if I lost weight, or they may think that people would like them better if they were thinner. They may feel incapable and tell themselves, I never do anything right, or feel that nothing I ever do is enough. When they look in the mirror, victims see fat staring at them, no matter how thin and bony they may look to others. When shown pictures of themselves, Anorexia and Bulimia patients realize how thin they are but still are dissatisfied with their shape when they go to look in the mirror. Sufferers may lie about how much, how little, or when and where they have eaten so as not to admit to themselves or to others that they have a problem. They may also lie about vomiting and the use of laxatives. Depression or mood swings may also be symptoms of eating disorders. Lack of motivation, feeling isolated and alone, and having the feeling of no self-worth can lead to suicide. Eating disorders are commonly caused by a chemical imbalance in the victims brain. Everyone has a chemical in their brain called Seratonin. This is what controls your appetite. In Bulimia patients, this chemical is deficient and so they keep eating and eating. At that point they feel guilty and have the urge to dispose of the consumed food either by vomiting or having a bowel movement promptly after eating. Subsequently, their Vasopressin level increases and eventually takes over, making the disposal of food the norm. The opposite occurs in Anorexia patients. The Norepinephrine chemical in their brain is deficient. Norepinephrine is the appetite stimulant. In their case, they have no desire to swallow anything for fear of becoming obese. Compulsive Overeating is another eating disorder although not as common as Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa. Patients eat uncontrollably and gain a considerable amount of weight. And unlike Anorexia and Bulimia patients, Compulsive Overeaters are mostly male. Compulsive Overeaters eat mainly to cope with stress and anything that may be disturbing them. They, like Bulimics, understand that they have a problem. Most overeaters are people who were not taught how to deal with stressful situations. As Compulsive Overeating is not yet taken as seriously as other eating disorders, patients are directed to diet centers and health spas, but in the end, Compulsive Overeating can have the same consequences as Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. The most serious consequence being death. Nevertheless, it can be conquered with therapy and counseling. If they knew what eating disorders do to their bodies, patients would seek help much sooner. In Anorexia patients, fatigue, lack of energy, and Amenorrhea are very common physical problems, as are hair loss, infertility, osteoporosis (caused by lack of calcium) and depression. The same goes for those who suffer from Bulimia. Also, Bulimia patients may have rotted teeth (caused by excessive vomiting), cathartic colon (caused by laxative abuse), and inflammation of the pancreas. There are many more physical consequences that victims may encounter upon suffering from these afflictions. People who suffer from Anorexia and Bulimia are silently killing themselves. These sufferers are mostly women, but a growing percentage of men are beginning to catch on to this terrible disorder. They try to convince themselves that there is nothing wrong, but deep down they know that what they are doing is

Monday, November 4, 2019

The story of an Hour, by Kate Chapin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The story of an Hour, by Kate Chapin - Essay Example Most of the parts of the story reveal her inner feelings and her wild dreams about her future enjoyment as she lives alone in freedom, showing the effects of the historical background of the theme and setting. The story was written in the last decade of the nineteenth century when women were still regarded to have the role of selfless motherhood without any assertion to their needs but to be in full submission to their husbands ( This theme is expressed in the sentence â€Å"What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!† The story does not express any other stronger reason for Mrs. Mallard’s joy for the death of her husband but this. Not that she wanted her husband dead but she wanted her freedom more than being placed under someone’s authority and is left to no self-identity but the wife of Brently Mallard. Despite her love for her husband which is expressed in the story as inconsistent, and the love of her husband to her which is suggested to be of the same affect in the statement â€Å"  the face that had never looked save with love upon her†, referring to her husband’s treatment of her, she longed for a freedom that is totally hers. The issue in this story then is her being a wife, commonly regarded to do nothing else but stay in the house, raise children and play the role of a dutiful husband and mother. However, the main character wants more than that, she wanted to have the same freedom as her husband, able to go to places she wanted to and do things she desired and express herself in whatever means available without the power of a man or even his influence to whatever she does. Mrs. Mallard was first presented as a woman with a heart failure which could be symbolic to the disease in her marriage (Myriad). Although love was in the relationship, it seemed to have limited the expression of it by the norms during their existence as suggested by the world they lived in. As mentioned earlier, women were regarded to have lesser rights and are bound in the four corners of the house however, to the heroine, she wanted a different version of her story. She knew her husband loved her as much as she loved him, assuming the ‘sometimes' she regarded to love him are the same times he looked at her with love yet she wanted more than that. As a human being, she felt the need to socialize, to go out and find herself, see what she could do beyond the walls that are keeping her from the outside world. She wanted to see the beautiful things in this world in an encounter and not just from a distance, through the windows of her room. This was very important matter in the relationship of the couple which was killing their love, as the heart would be the most important part of a person’s body, which when collapses, would kill the person. Her weeping after hearing the news of the death of her husband shows the love she had for her husband, not feeling as other women had in similar circumstances, feeling numb and unable to think clearly, trying to internalize and accept the news. To her, the news reached home and hurt her, so the immediate reaction was her weeping, without regard to who would be watching or what worries would there be about her. Her feelings later show the other side of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Compare between SAP system and Microsoft Dynamics system in ( Bill of Research Paper

Compare between SAP system and Microsoft Dynamics system in ( Bill of material) - Research Paper Example Others include NAV, SL, and AX. Dynamics NAV is designed in a way to suite mid-size companies. It is an ERP that incorporates both basic PM and accounting functions that are offered by other types like SL. Dynamics SL is best suited for managing projects and other accounting roles across many divisions in a firm. It was made to target construction management firms, distributors and any other contractor. Dynamics GP which will be our focus of discussion in this analysis is used mainly in the Americas, UK and Ireland, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. It was one of the first accounting packages released in the USA and was meant to run on Windows 32 bit machines. It was designed to be used in financial management, supply chain management, human resource management, project management and manufacturing. Dynamics AX was designed for global corporations and modern manufacturing firms. It offers all the functionalities of GP and also provides advanced business reporting and intell igence. SAP Business One This is an ERP that is used by all type of businesses i.e. small, medium and even in large companies. It is applied in business functions ranging from customer relationship management, purchasing and supplies, financial management and business analytics. It also provides comprehensive business intelligence and reporting. In 2011, SAP introduced a solution that was meant to consolidate business and enable intercompany integration. This was to enable multinationals to manage transactions and activities across multiple databases. The functions of the SAP ERP system can be broadly categorized into four broad modules i.e. Financial, Human Capital Management, Operations and Corporate Services. In financial management, it supports for multiples currencies, bank reconciliation and budgeting. In human capital management, it is applied in functions of managing the payroll, recruitment, human resources, learning and development and analysis of work functions. In operat ions, it provides functions like purchasing, manufacturing and research and development. In corporate services, it helps in asset management in areas ranging from real estate, travel management and project management. The business area chosen for comparison in this paper is supply chain management functions with respects to each ERP package. Supply Chain Management When we discuss about supply chain management, the discussion is based on two main core ideas; Every product that reaches the customers will represent a collective effort of many corporate organizations and this firms will be collectively referred collectively as a supply chain Unfortunately most businesses have only focused what happens within their premises in as much supply chains have existed for a long time. Therefore few business have understood the entire chain of activities that leads to the ultimate delivery of the final products to the customer Therefore supply chain management can be referred to the management of all the supply chain activities in order to improve